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Day To Day_Day Nineteen

Malunggay pandesal is sold all over Albay.

The first time I heard about the nutrients in maluggay (Moringa oleifera, or horseradish), I was in high school. Our Biotechnology teacher was selling Malunggay polvoron (shortbread). That was in 2008 (it may have started in 2007).

My classmates and I even joked that someday there will be other products with malunggay as the main ingredients. Toothpaste, soap, candies, anything. We were Nostradamuses on the way to our Biotechnology classroom.

Years later, I heard about a bread made of Moringa oleifera. Surprisingly, it was tasty and it became a hotseller. A friend told me that there’s always a long line outside a store that sells the newest pandesal.

That did not surprise me. Since 2008, people have been hearing about the nutritional value of the leaf and pods of malunggay. It’s rich in carbohydrates, fat, protein, Vitamin A (good for vision, and other stuff I can’t enumerate ’cause I’m not sure), thiamine (good antioxidant), riboflavin, folate, Vitamin C, iron, etc. (Check other sources for the nutritional value of Moringa oleifera. I can’t recall all of them.

About planetapilipinas

travel writer/mag journalist, a dreamer, NatGeo superfan, Global UGrader and a freak. @LOLWAITWHAAAT on Twitter


One thought on “Day To Day_Day Nineteen

  1. Yes, it’s become more popular all across the world. It’s the first time I am learning of it being used in bread. That should be tasty.

    Posted by Bert | September 13, 2012, 2:00 am

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